Monday, August 06, 2007


I went out yesterday morning on a very long and beautiful walk with my puppy Bing. For a while now, we have not been calling them walks. We call the "sniffs". They are not good for exercise or getting a heart healthy work out. Bing stops every inch to sniff the tree, grass, street, side walk, fence, step, hill and so on. After I got home, doing a mile in 45 minutes!!!!, my arms were more tired then my legs, from pulling and dragging my 18 pound pup through the neighborhood.

I am getting a wagon!!!!



bobbione8y said...

i need to go on a "sniff" around the neighborhood!

might look a little odd, since i don't have a dog :)

K~ said...

Yes, it would look a bit odd. I tell ya, just a bit frustrating! K~