Friday, December 08, 2006

Trimming the fat

Shedding Fat. I need to shed my body fat! Dah!!! But what about other "fat" I have insulated myself with??? worries, fears, need to do it NOW projects?? If I drew a picture of myself right now, what would it look like??

Ok, that's a bit depressing. Maybe I need to work on my self image a bit. However.....I can't ignore it either. I've got a lot of work to do.

I need to look at the day in a whole different way. I thought it might be interesting to look at today with the perspective of what I might say about it in say.... 5 years. I find that I am very aware of the "hind sight is 20/20" phenomenon. When I look back at the times I wished for this, hoped for that, and never focused on what is working for me now, I got my priorities all askew.

Today, I need to look at what IS working and how to build on that. I am trying not to focus on what is NOT working. I get overwhelmed with that concept. Too much is appearing to "not go my way".

Maybe I could feel and look a bit more like this on a daily basis.

So the journey begins..... Hopefully, I don't sit down and have a snack and a nap before I even get started!!



bobbione8y said...


yes, the lifelong struggle seems to be those poundages attached all over.

i am feeling it too, although i do not have the courage to diagram it and post it on the web!

here's to thanks for the goodness, the family, the warm house, the food that we eat too much of, etc etc...

i wish we could join ww together, i need a weight loss buddy!

K~ said...

Yes, I went back and forth on the posting of my "portrait" on the web, then, i realized that it is a "circle stick figure" and not an actual playboy center fold. K~