Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mittens in May!

Ok, I don't want to be a major crab......BUT.......I am.

Last night, I was watching my son D's baseball game. It was a good one by the way. I started out with sweatpants, T-shirt, jacket, scarf, and crocs. By the end of the game, I was truly praying to God for it to be over. I was huddled in my mommy sports collapsible chair and had to put mittens on. Yes, I still had mittens in my jacket. On May 20th I had to use them. AAAHH.
The worst of it is, that I tried to go outside yesterday morning about 10. I was like, "Get out of this house you troll!" I went out and sat in the chair in the sun. It was about 10 am. Soon, I was getting my sons comforter and my sweat shirt. By the time I gave it all up and retreated, I was wrapped in the comforter with my sweatshirt hood on. I left the sunny great outdoors in disgust. I was actually grumbling under my breath, that you could see earlier that morning!
Ok, enough of the ranting. It is supposed to be "Warm" the weekend. Just remember, don't let the sun fool ya!


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