Monday, July 07, 2008

This IS my day.

My sister brought this over to me the other day. BOY is this accurate. Summer is a busy busy time. It's not like fall gets any slower, but at least I have a bit more time for me (to waste :-))
Here are a couple of things I have done in my "can't do anything else but watch the kids" time.
I apologize for the dirt in the cracks. I should have put a scale of these photos, but, they are both about the size of a thimble. My idea was to have these for putting earrings/rings into and keep in your purse. You know, when you need to have a random X-ray and have to take off your earrings???? Otherwise kind of useless.


bobbione8y said...


want. one.

Unknown said...

EVERYBODY needs to have a beautiful earring holder for random x-rays, PET scans or MRI's! I know I do:)

Karen said...

Speaking of x-rays...did you know that a tampon shows up in an x-ray? I learned this in Alabama, at my really hot chiropractor's office...

K~ said...

Oooohhhhhh! that had to be a fun one to review with him on the light board! K~