Sunday, August 25, 2013


I am having one of those moments when I realize my life has been cast with it's players and over half of it has played out.  That it moves on with or with out my input.  Some days, some moments, I wonder why.  Why to most questions asked.  But then it's time to move on to other moments.  Sigh.  I like looking at rust.  This rust took some time to happen.  It is beautiful.  It makes me happy that it had it's time to develop.  That it had it's opportunity to have a history.  Now I can gaze upon it and enjoy its rich color in my moment...while I contemplate. K~

1 comment:

bobbione8y said...

The nice thing about moments is that each one is new. As long as you don't cast the past or project the future onto your present moment, it's as if you are suspended in time. They are all more precious that way. learning this over on the back forty ....