Friday, August 11, 2006

Turtle Days of Summer

It must be the "turtle"days of summer. My turtles just keep yawning. It is of course so cute to me. I have been working very hard to provide a suitable habitat for my water turtles this week. The land turtles seem content with their digs. The turtles are looking MUCH better today. Their water was just getting funky so often. I think Cleo and Clyde like each other. It's nice to see they have companionship. Maxwell is still Maxwell. He will buddy up and annoy any turtle in his sight. He like Magellan but was laying with lulu this morning. Lulu is kind of young and skiddish. When I get my small painteds this fall, I am moving LuLu into that pond with them. Still no Puff the bearded dragon. Hard to connect up with his owner. And the dog seems to be on the docket. I am being SO out numbered on that front. I need to work this afternoon. It kind of feels good to have some legitimate work to do. My turtles make me smile. I do love my star wars action figures too. I have only a few select ones up now. I am still working really hard on de cluttering!! Have a wonderful Friday.

1 comment:

bobbione8y said...

yes, turtles are good.

so are cats and bunnies and butterflies and anything God put breath into for our enjoyment. Something about this time of year makes me so sappy and soft, but it makes me happy to see your turtle pics and be reminded of how good it feels every time i open that wooden gate to come into your back yard for a visit

:) happy day Kirst!