Sunday, March 23, 2008


Too Funny. I saw this on a fellow bloggers sight. I LOVED IT!

Really the only photos I could post of the pre-Easter Eve and Easter morning. The boys insisted in egg hunting in their undies, oh I mean "pajamas".

Now all of you folks out there that have a direct connection with our Lord, should pray that we get back to church and soon. This morning, as I was getting ready for our 2 family visits (one to Grandma's and one to my sister) and as I was combing my hair and I hesitated and had to think hard..... "now is Easter when Jesus rose from the dead or was he crucified?" I am hoping that this confusion came from the lack of being able to walk on my right foot. I woke up this way....or that I have had a sleep over birthday on Thursday night with boys, was going nuts Friday with all of them home still with all the boys, and then alone on Saturday cleaning and cleaning up after the boys. But anyway, I have already spoken to God and I am feeling better about things.

I hope your Easter was blessed and touching.

I also hope you were all more lucid and not so gimpy as myself.
I think that makes an injury on every holiday since Halloween.


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